Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage – Bone Broth on Steroids
Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage. I call it bone broth on steroids and it’s one of my favourite food type supplements.
Where does it come from?
It is derived under laboratory conditions from bovine (cow) tracheal cartilage. I liken it to what people used to eat more of in days gone by and that is the cartilaginous parts of the bone which are often left on the plate these days. Growing up in a big family where there were many mouths to feed, I would eat the cartilage off a chicken bone and the marrow out of a shank and it turns out that both these things are really good for you. Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage is a concentrated liquid form of the goodness found in these bones.
What does it contain that’s so good for you?
It is very high in glucosamine and chondroitin, collagen, protein including Glutamine and it’s full of many minerals including zinc.
What can it do for you?
Liquid Bovine Tracheal cartilage has been shown to increase connective tissue and cartilage growth. This can be seen to have an effect throughout the body from healing gut mucosa to skin healing, and healing and rebuilding cartilage within joints and muscles. It has also been proven to have an immunoregulatory qualities [1] and anti-inflammatory actions.
What conditions can it help?
Auto-immune diseases
Any or all of them due to its ability to regulate the immune system’s responses. Therefore useful in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosis and many more.
Inflammatory conditions
You know this is my favourite topic and the reason why I have written my book ‘Feel Great and Look Your Best : Anti-Inflammatory Recipes’ Book: Feel Great and Look Your Best
Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties [2] and it’s thought that its ability to rebuild cartilage and connective tissue may be responsible for this action [3]. Rebuilding cartilage and connective tissue within joints and through the skin can help to arrest conditions such as psoriasis, excema, gout, osteoarthritis and many more [4]. I have also used this product in sportspeople of a high level who have constant inflammation and injuries and have been able to heal their longstanding injuries and slow down their rate of injury.
Digestive system
Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage has been shown to be very effective in inflammatory conditions of the gut. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis respond well to Bovine Tracheal Cartilage [ 5]. I also find that leaky gut (which can be one of the causative factors involved in auto-immune disease and inflammation in general) is treated very successfully with Bovine tracheal Cartilage, most likely due to the combination of healing gut mucosa, reducing inflammation and regulating the immune response.
I have had many great successes with conditions that were longstanding, chronically debilitating and seemingly not expected to improve at all using Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage.
I have used this product on myself many times but most significantly some years ago when I had a reactive arthritis, an auto-immune disease called Reiter’s Syndrome which left me chronically debilitated and unable to walk without pain for one full year after a Salmonella infection. It wasn’t until I took Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage that my body started to heal.
Is this an ethical and safe product?
Raw material is sourced from New Zealand pasture-fed calves that are raised without the use of antibiotics or hormones, and government veterinary-signed health certificates accompany each batch of product to verify the safety and disease-free status of the product. The rest of the calf materials are used for its meat and hide.
What’s the difference between this product and making bone broth at home?
Making bone broth at home is a great thing but this product is highly concentrated compared to any bone broth. Bone broth is great for general health but Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage will treat conditions which require concentrated and laboratory controlled amounts of the ingredients within.
Where can I get it?
Only available through prescription from an accredited Naturopath and in my experience, not many Naturopaths use it. Perhaps my personal experience with Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage has made me use it more.
Make an appointment with me if you would like to discuss how Liquid Bovine Tracheal Cartilage may help you Make a booking
So should I make bone broth?
Yes, definitely. It’s of great value and well worth your time if you just want to keep your gut mucosa healthy, keep feeding your joints and connective tissue (so that you slow down wear and tear and the ageing process) , and to promote a well behaved immune system.
- Rosen J et al. Immunoregulatoryeffects of catrix. J Biol Response Modifiers 1988;7: 498 – 512
- Prudden JF, Balassa LL. The biological activity of bovine cartilage preparations. Seminars Arth. And Rheum. 1974; 3: 287- 321
- Sichel M. The Medfile Report Dec 1997
- Taken from tables of results from Dr. John Prudden’s book “The Journey”
- Prudden JF et al. The biological activity of bovine cartilage preparations. Sem Arthritis & Rheum 1974; 3(4): 287 – 321